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Suggested Lists

We can't provide any suggested results for your query. Either narrow your query, or move to look at alternative lists below.

Possible Lists

It's possible you will find the organization(s) you are looking for in one of the lists below…

List of legal department names (Government of Canada)


"The dataset includes a list of legal department names and their respective numbers. The department number is assigned by the Receiver General to an organization listed in Schedules I, 1.1 and II of the Financial Administration Act authorized to use the Consolidated Revenue Fund and interface with the central systems …


  • CA

Canada Chart of Accounts


A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID …


  • CA

Corporations Canada


Corporations Canada are the federal company register. CA-CC should be used for the Canada Corporation Number Companies in Canada register with their provincial authority, e.g. British Columbia. While there is currently no complete national database for companies in Canada, Corporations Canada are piloting a Business Search Registry, which allows for …


  • CA

Canadian Revenue Agency


Companies in Canada register with their provincial authority, e.g. British Columbia, and then they register with the Canadian Revenue Agency in order to pay corporate income tax and receive a Business Number. The code CA-CRA_ACR is used for Canadian Business Numbers. Non-profits and other kinds of legal entities may also …


  • CA

Fall back identifier sources

The following lists provide a fall back option when no other identifier sources are available…

Example Data Prefix


List code prefix reserved for use in example data which require a valid prefix (e.g. for use in data validator testing).

Basic Registry of Identified Global Entities


As of August 2020 the BRIDGE project has been shut down. It was led by four nonprofit partners – GlobalGiving, TechSoup Global, GuideStar, and Foundation Center – BRIDGE assigned a unique identification number, known as a BRIDGE number, to individual social sector entities around the world. Each 10-digit BRIDGE number …

OECD Development Assistance Committee


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) maintain a list of organisations whom are involved in the transfer of 'Official Development Assistance' (ODA) financial flows. This list provides a useful fall-back source of identification for government agencies and multilateral organisations involved in aid, and in …

International Aid Transparency Initiative Organisation Identifier


XI-IATI is a list of organisation identifiers that is maintained by the IATI Secretariat. Any publisher may apply to the IATI Technical Team for an identifier to be generated. "If a bona fide organisation is not registered with any recognised or appropriate registration agency ( they should contact the IATI …

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - Humanitarian Programme Cycle Identifiers


OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA assigns it's own organisation identifiers to parties involved in funding or delivery of humanitarian work, which are used in UN …


  • humanitarian_relief

Global Research Identifiers Database


The Global Research Identifiers Database collects information on research institutions and assigns them a unique identifier. It draws on information from funding datasets, and claims over 90% coverage of institutions. It records information on the nature of the research organisation, covering companies, education establishments, healthcare, non-profits, government and other entity …


  • education
  • research