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Common Register Portal of the German Federal States (CRP) (DE-CR)


Companies, partnerships and co-operatives are registered in Germany at the level of local courts. Each court issues it's own registration numbers, so registration number 0001 from one court is not the same organisation as registration number 0001 from a different court.

The Common Register Portal of the German Federal States allows a search across all the court records.

To distinguish between the identifiers from different courts, the individual 'Registration Agency' identifier from each court, from the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation's [Registration Authorities list]( should be used, giving identifiers of the form:


Court identifiers

* RA000197 - Aachen
* RA000198 - Ahlen
* RA000199 - Altenburg
* RA000200 - Amberg
* RA000201 - Ansbach
* RA000202 - Apolda
* RA000203 - Arnsberg
* RA000204 - Arnstadt
* RA000205 - Aschaffenburg
* RA000206 - Augsburg
* RA000207 - Aurich
* RA000208 - Bad Hersfeld
* RA000209 - Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe
* RA000210 - Bad Kreuznach
* RA000211 - Bad Langensalza
* RA000212 - Bad Lobenstein
* RA000213 - Bad Oeynhausen
* RA000214 - Bad Salzungen
* RA000215 - Bamberg
* RA000216 - Bayreuth
* RA000217 - Berlin-Charlottenburg
* RA000218 - Bielefeld
* RA000219 - Bochum
* RA000220 - Bonn
* RA000221 - Braunschweig
* RA000222 - Bremen
* RA000223 - Bünde
* RA000224 - Chemnitz
* RA000225 - Coburg
* RA000226 - Coesfeld
* RA000227 - Cottbus
* RA000228 - Darmstadt
* RA000229 - Deggendorf
* RA000230 - Dortmund
* RA000231 - Dresden
* RA000232 - Duisburg
* RA000233 - Düren
* RA000234 - Düsseldorf
* RA000235 - Eisenach
* RA000236 - Erfurt
* RA000237 - Erkelenz
* RA000238 - Eschwege
* RA000239 - Essen
* RA000240 - Flensburg
* RA000241 - Frankfurt (Oder)
* RA000242 - Frankfurt am Main
* RA000243 - Freiburg
* RA000244 - Friedberg (Hessen)
* RA000245 - Fritzlar
* RA000246 - Fulda
* RA000247 - Fürth
* RA000248 - Geldern
* RA000249 - Gelsenkirchen
* RA000250 - Gera
* RA000251 - Gießen
* RA000252 - Gotha
* RA000253 - Göttingen
* RA000254 - Greifswald
* RA000255 - Greiz
* RA000256 - Güstrow
* RA000257 - Gütersloh
* RA000258 - Hagen
* RA000259 - Hamburg
* RA000260 - Hamm
* RA000261 - Hanau
* RA000262 - Hannover
* RA000263 - Heilbad Heiligenstadt
* RA000264 - Herford
* RA000265 - Herne
* RA000266 - Hildburghausen
* RA000267 - Hildesheim
* RA000268 - Hof
* RA000269 - Homburg
* RA000270 - Ilmenau
* RA000271 - Ingolstadt
* RA000272 - Iserlohn
* RA000273 - Jena
* RA000274 - Kaiserslautern
* RA000275 - Kassel
* RA000276 - Kempten
* RA000277 - Kiel
* RA000278 - Kleve
* RA000279 - Koblenz
* RA000280 - Köln
* RA000281 - Königstein im Taunus
* RA000282 - Korbach
* RA000283 - Krefeld
* RA000284 - Landau in der Pfalz
* RA000285 - Landshut
* RA000286 - Lebach
* RA000287 - Leipzig
* RA000288 - Lemgo
* RA000289 - Limburg a. d. Lahn
* RA000290 - Lübeck
* RA000291 - Ludwigshafen am Rhein
* RA000292 - Ludwigslust
* RA000293 - Lüneburg
* RA000294 - Lünen
* RA000295 - Mainz
* RA000296 - Mannheim
* RA000297 - Marburg
* RA000298 - Meiningen
* RA000299 - Memmingen
* RA000300 - Merzig
* RA000301 - Mönchengladbach
* RA000302 - Montabaur
* RA000303 - Mühlhausen
* RA000304 - München
* RA000305 - Münster
* RA000306 - Neubrandenburg
* RA000307 - Neunkirchen
* RA000308 - Neuruppin
* RA000309 - Neuss
* RA000310 - Nordhausen
* RA000311 - Nürnberg
* RA000312 - Oberhausen
* RA000313 - Offenbach am Main
* RA000314 - Oldenburg
* RA000315 - Osnabrück
* RA000316 - Ottweiler
* RA000317 - Paderborn
* RA000318 - Pasewalk
* RA000319 - Passau
* RA000320 - Pinneberg
* RA000321 - Pößneck
* RA000322 - Potsdam
* RA000323 - Ratingen
* RA000324 - Recklinghausen
* RA000325 - Regensburg
* RA000326 - Remscheid
* RA000327 - Ribnitz
* RA000328 - Rostock
* RA000329 - Rudolstadt
* RA000330 - Saalfeld
* RA000331 - Saarbrücken
* RA000332 - Saarlouis
* RA000333 - Sankt Ingbert
* RA000334 - Sankt Wendel
* RA000335 - Schleiden
* RA000336 - Schweinfurt
* RA000337 - Schwerin
* RA000338 - Siegburg
* RA000339 - Siegen
* RA000340 - Soest
* RA000341 - Solingen
* RA000342 - Sömmerda
* RA000343 - Sondershausen
* RA000344 - Sonneberg
* RA000345 - Stadthagen
* RA000346 - Stadtroda
* RA000347 - Steinfurt
* RA000348 - Stendal
* RA000349 - Stralsund
* RA000350 - Straubing
* RA000351 - Stuttgart
* RA000352 - Suhl
* RA000353 - Tostedt
* RA000354 - Traunstein
* RA000355 - Ulm
* RA000356 - Völklingen
* RA000357 - Wadern
* RA000358 - Walsrode
* RA000359 - Warburg
* RA000360 - Waren
* RA000361 - Warstein
* RA000362 - Weiden i.d. OPf.
* RA000363 - Weimar
* RA000364 - Wetzlar
* RA000365 - Wiesbaden
* RA000366 - Wismar
* RA000367 - Witten
* RA000368 - Wittlich
* RA000369 - Wuppertal
* RA000370 - Würzburg
* RA000371 - Zweibrücken

  • Coverage: DE

Search options

Without registration, one may find out about the company's legal name, registered office, and status. Any further information can be obtained upon registration. Retrieving published information is free of charge, any other is subject to a fee. There is English, French, Italian, and Spanish interface.

Find and use identifiers

To construct an identifier you need to (a) lookup the identifier for the court from the [GLEIF Registration Authority list]( and then combine this with the identifier from the search results. Remove all spaces from the identifier.

You can suggest an edit to our information about this list by posting an issue or submitting a pull request.

The contributors handbook details how to propose changes to an existing list, and how you can request or propose a new list.