
National Identification Number of Companies and Associations (NINEA), Senegal (SN-NINEA)


Any organization (company, association, NGO) operating in Senegal must be included in a directory of legal entities ([Source](

Registration takes place through several agencies, and a Numéro d’Identification National des Entreprises et des Associations (NINEA) (National Identification Number for Companies and Associations) is provided to incorporated bodies.

A directory or lookup of companies and numbers is not available online, however most legal entities will have an NINEA which can be used as an identifier.

  • Coverage: SN

Search options

A (possible partial) and freely accessible online list is available from the Senegalese Bureau d'appui à la Création d'Entreprise (BCE)

Find and use identifiers

A NINÉA number can be used in conjunction with the list code prefix to produce a unique identifier.

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