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Slovakia Ministry Of Interior Trade Register (SK-ZRSR)


The Ministry of Interior Trade Register does have a database of companies, but users should refer to the Ministry of Justice Business Register in SK-ORSR for the unique identifier list for Slovakia.

The Ministry of Justice has been shown to be the organisation responsible for company registration, and thus SK-ZRSR has been deprecated in favour of SK-ORSR.

  • Coverage: SK

Search options

Database can be searched using the simple search.

Find and use identifiers

Users can find identifiers using the simple, searchable online database. Users will have to click on the link for 'Aktuálny' or 'Úplný' under the column heading Výpis - or in English, for 'Actual' or 'Full' under the column heading 'Extract' - of one of the companies in the search results in order to see company details.

Identifiers will be next to the heading 'IČO' or 'Identification' in English

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